Average Cost of Braces Near Northport MI

Average Cost of Braces Near Northport MI

What’s the average cost of braces near Northport, MI? We’ll look at the national averages. However, there’s no “standard” price since many factors affect the cost. 

For example, some factors that can affect the cost of braces are:

  • Nature of the problem needing correction
  • How long treatment will take to correct the problem
  • The type of braces chosen (metal, ceramic, Lingual)
  • Your oral health before and during treatment
  • Dental health coverage and benefits and other savings plans
  • Affordable financing plans

Due to factors like these, the overall cost for braces varies. However, treatment is affordable at Dr. Lints Orthodontics with financing plans so you can stay within budget. Therefore, you can get the care and smile you deserve with nothing holding you back.

Many times, dental insurance will cover a portion of treatment. So, at your first free consultation, we’ll discuss all the options and help maximize benefits. Today, you can even find out more without leaving home. Take a free virtual consultation and get all the facts you need as you plan for orthodontic treatment.

Virtual consults are very easy! To begin, click here to start your free virtual consultation with Dr. Lints, a board-certified Platinum Plus Invisalign provider, from the comfort of home.

Now, we’ll look at recent national averages for braces cost.

Cost for Braces Near Northport MI on Average

As noted, there’s not a standard cost for braces. Notably, a 2020 report from U.S. News & World Report states that braces tend to cost between $3K on the low end to $11K on the high end. 

Likewise, Healthgrades reports that nationally, braces average $5K up to $7K.

Also, an Oral-B survey found the cost for braces in the U.S. between $3K and $10K. In addition, Colgate reports the cost tends to be in a similar range, based on data from the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics.

In all cases, the type of braces you choose can affect the cost. So, traditional metal braces will tend to be lower than clear ceramic or Lingual braces that hide behind your teeth. Overall, Invisalign tends to be in the same ballpark as braces. 

Generally, braces may be preferable in cases that require more extensive correction. Therefore, the cost tends to be higher in those cases since they require more treatment. In other cases, braces and Invisalign may be around the same cost.

Braces or Invisalign Have Incredible Benefits

While some people delay moving forward with braces, almost everyone wishes they would have started earlier following treatment. Why? Because after the braces come off, you can begin enjoying more smiles, self-confidence, and better oral health. Thus, the rewards are significant for your overall well-being and health.

Here are a few things you could avoid by getting started with braces:

  • Tooth decay and loss
  • Resulting bone loss 
  • Prematurely aged appearance
  • Gum disease and related problems
  • Painful bite and problems chewing
  • Jaw pain and related TMJ syndrome
  • Speech impediment
  • Being afraid to show your smile 

Remember, it’s never too late to get started. These days, more adults than ever get the smiles they always wanted. Why? Braces and Invisalign are advanced, more discreet, comfortable, and affordable. Therefore, it’s easier and more convenient, and the results can significantly improve your life.

Free Consultation with the Best Orthodontist Near Northport MI

Get a free virtual or in-person consultation with Dr. Lints, a board-certified orthodontist with over 34 years in the medical field. Dr. Lints and our friendly team routinely get 5-star reviews and outstanding results for people in the Northport, MI area. 

Start your free virtual consultation and find out:

  1. Am I a candidate for Invisalign?
  2. Would braces work better for me?
  3. How long would treatment probably take?
  4. Learn about affordable payment options.
  5. Get answers to any questions.

Then, schedule your first appointment when you’re ready. It’s that easy, and you’ll be glad you got started. Today, it’s a great time to work on your smile as more people stay near home. What better way to start the new year than with a new smile?

Call us at any time at (231) 922-7210 or book your first complimentary visit here. 

Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates. 

Today, we’re taking extra steps to ensure everyone is safe and secure.

We proudly offer affordable orthodontic treatment to patients from Kalkaska County, Manton, Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Empire, Frankfort, Interlochen, Grawn, Kingsley, Suttons Bay, Omena, Leelanau County, Northport, Leland, Elk Rapids, Boyne City, East Jordan, Charlevoix, Crawford County, Antrim County, Benzie County, Leelanau County, and the surrounding areas.

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If Invisalign sounds like it is the right fit for you, call or text us to set up a complimentary consultation. During this consultation, Dr. Lints and team will:

  • 1. Review your dental and medical history
  • 2. Perform a complete oral exam
  • 3. Help you determine if Invisalign is the best route for you
  • 4. Create you a customized treatment plan with before and after simulation
  • 5. Discuss flexible payment plan options and insurance benefits if applicable
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