Braces in Frankfort – Affordability & Comfort

Braces in Frankfort MI at Dr. Lints Orthodontics

Are you looking for Braces in Frankfort MI? Dr. Lints Orthodontics offers affordable braces to all of our patients. Furthermore, we consider it our mission to provide you with the perfect smile and dental care necessary to lead a happy, healthy life. Additionally, Dr. Lint has provided hundreds of patients with crystal clear smiles utilizing traditional braces in Frankfort MI. Pricing for braces or Invisalign in Frankfort varies depending on the severity of your case. However, if you’d like accurate pricing and treatment plans for braces, simply click here to schedule a free consultation.

How Traditional Braces Work

Traditional braces use brackets and wires made from metal alloys to restructure your teeth and jaw. For example, if you have an underbite, braces provide the structure and pressure needed to shift your jaw into its correct position. Dr. Lints recommends braces for all sorts of unique smiles pre-treatment. However, traditional braces work especially well for more serious cases like underbites and overbites. Typical treatment length runs from 6 months to 2 years. Simply call us (2319227210) with any questions you may have regarding braces as a treatment option.

Invisalign As An Alternative To Braces in Frankfort

If the hassle and visual bulk of traditional braces are too much to bear, then Invisalign may be a great alternative for you. Invisalign clear retainers get their strength and appeal from a patented thermoplastic material. Namely, this material is called SmartTrackĀ®, an FDA-approved plastic capable of extreme flexibility and comfort. Additionally, Invisalign retainers are entirely removable. This provides you with the ability to eat the best tasting foods and maintain regular brushing/flossing habits at home without the permanence of metal braces. To elaborate on treatment cycles, patients typically go through about 12-18 months of Invisalign treatment. Click here to schedule a free consultation to discuss more about Invisalign as an alternative to braces in Frankfort.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Why wait any longer for the smile you’ve always wished for? We can have you planned, priced, and primed for orthodontic treatment utilizing braces or Invisalign today! Simply click here to schedule a free consultation, and we can answer any questions you may have about treatment options and payment plans.

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If Invisalign sounds like it is the right fit for you, call or text us to set up a complimentary consultation. During this consultation, Dr. Lints and team will:

  • 1. Review your dental and medical history
  • 2. Perform a complete oral exam
  • 3. Help you determine if Invisalign is the best route for you
  • 4. Create you a customized treatment plan with before and after simulation
  • 5. Discuss flexible payment plan options and insurance benefits if applicable
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