How Long Do I Have to Wear Retainers After Invisalign Treatment

retainers after Invisalign

You’ve had your braces removed, congratulations! But don’t forget to take care of those teeth for retainers will likely be a part of your dental routine for the next few years.

So, how long do you have to wear retainers after your Invisalign treatment is completed? The answer is: It depends. The length of time you need to wear retainers can vary depending on the type of Invisalign treatment you received. And how well it has corrected your teeth alignment. 

In general, however, most patients will need to wear retainers after Invisalign for anywhere from six to 24 months. So, make sure to speak with your orthodontist in Traverse about your specific needs and timetable.

What are Invisalign Retainers?

Invisalign retainers are appliances that help people with braces and other forms of fixed orthodontic treatment to maintain their teeth in their desired positions. The retainers are made up of a series of semi-rigid, transparent plastic strips that are bonded to the teeth. 

Over time, these strips move the teeth into their desired positions, while also helping to prevent tooth movement caused by chewing and talking. Invisalign retainers can be worn for several years. And many patients find them to be an extremely effective way to improve their oral health and appearance. 

They are typically more comfortable than traditional braces, and they typically require less time and effort from the patient to maintain. In addition, most patients report that the Invisalign retainers are virtually invisible once they have been fitted. This makes them an attractive option for those who want to keep their dental treatment relatively subtle.

They’re a great option if you want to improve your smile but don’t want to wear traditional dental braces.

How Long Will I Need Retainers After Treatment?

After treatment with Invisalign, you will likely need retainers for a period of time. Retainers are small devices that help to maintain the alignment of your teeth. They will likely be worn for anywhere from 6 to 24 months, depending on the individual’s case and treatment plan. 

Keep in mind that the time you will need retainers will vary based on your individual case and treatment plan. If you have any questions regarding your treatment or retention timeline, please contact your dentist or Invisalign specialist.

If your Invisalign treatment was completed at a dental clinic, you will likely need to wear Invisalign retainers for 6 to 24 months after your treatment. Retainers are custom-made plastic devices that help keep your teeth alignment

They are typically worn in the morning and at night while you sleep. If you are not wearing retainers, your teeth may move around and cause problems with chewing and speech. It’s important to wear retainers for the full length of the prescribed period to ensure that your teeth remain aligned. 

If you do not wear retainers, your teeth may move around and cause problems with chewing and speech. Invisalign is a very effective treatment, but it does not work if teeth are not properly aligned. 

What If I Lose My Retainers?

If you have removable dental retainers, sometimes called “Invisalign retainers,” after your Invisalign treatment, you will need to replace them. You should replace your retainers at least every six months or as directed by your dentist. Be sure to ask your dentist how often you need to replace them and when the best time is to do so.

If a patient loses their Invisalign retainers, they should contact their orthodontist ASAP to discuss any replacement options. Patients may be able to order new retainers directly from the manufacturer or have their doctor order new retainers for them. But this still depends on the type of retainers. 

Be sure to keep all your medical records related to the Invisalign treatment in case you need replacement.

Should I Get a New Set of Retainers If I Lose My First Set?

Retainers are not a one-time thing – you will need them every time you have an adjustment done on your teeth. If you lose your original set of retainers, be sure to get a new set as soon as possible. If it has been more than six months since you last had an adjustment, it is probably too late to get a new set.

So, once you decide to wear Invisalign, please be sure to diligently follow your orthodontist’s instructions. The longer your treatment plan goes, the more costly it’ll be in the long run.

What If I Have Trouble Wearing My Retainers?

If you have difficulty wearing your retainers after Invisalign treatment, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you follow the instructions that came with your treatment. Sometimes patients find that they need to adjust their retainers more than once to get them to fit properly. 

If this is the case for you, speak with your orthodontist about your concerns about wearing the aligners comfortably. Second, if you continue having difficulty wearing your retainers, you may want to consider using a retainer case. 

These cases attach around the teeth and hold the retainers in place while you eat and drink.

retainers after Invisalign


After having Invisalign treatment, some patients may need to wear retainers for an extended period of time. While the average patient wears retainers for about six months, some people may require more time depending on their case. 

If you have any questions about how long you will need to wear retainers after your Invisalign treatment in Traverse, please consult with your orthodontist. Your cooperation with your dentist will greatly benefit your treatment plan and you in the long run.

Schedule Your Next Consultation with Lints Orthodontics Today!

Invisalign is a great option for people who want to get straight teeth without the need for braces. However, like any dental procedure, it requires regular maintenance. One important part of this maintenance is wearing your retainers after the treatment is complete. 

If you don’t wear your retainers, your teeth may move back into their original position. This can cause a lot of pain and difficulty with daily activities. It’s important to schedule a consultation with Lints Orthodontics to make sure that your retainers are properly fitted and are giving you the support that they were intended to!


If Invisalign sounds like it is the right fit for you, call or text us to set up a complimentary consultation. During this consultation, Dr. Lints and team will:

  • 1. Review your dental and medical history
  • 2. Perform a complete oral exam
  • 3. Help you determine if Invisalign is the best route for you
  • 4. Create you a customized treatment plan with before and after simulation
  • 5. Discuss flexible payment plan options and insurance benefits if applicable
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